"The best way to prepare for the future is to create it"
Peter Drucker
Americans are generally living longer lives and enjoying more active and vibrant retirements.
If you have recently changed jobs leaving behind a 401k balance at your previous employer you likely are weighing your options.
Our workshop education helps you individually or your group understand the importance of financial planning.
At Lifetime Financial Group, we focus on financial planning designed to build income that will last throughout your retirement. Our process pursues one of the most pressing needs of the growing retiree population: how to develop a “predictable and sustainable income that you will not outlive.” We have the software and tools specifically designed to produce a predictable income from your investments during a period in your life when stock market performance can greatly impact your situation. This process also includes optimizing your social security income. We understand that everyone’s situation is truly unique, and we are prepared to help you address your financial life with a plan that is customized and highly personal.
Our goal is for you to have a successful investment experience. We have found that, over time, proper management of a plan can make an impact on when or if a person is able to retire, and how secure he/she feels in retirement.
Our “Client Commitment” demonstrates the process of how we add value and earn the trust of our clients.
As a Small Business Owner, you may be wearing many hats. Setting up retirement for your employees that you also will benefit from can be low cost with life-changing benefits to your employees as you are giving them a small push to save and making it simple. As a bonus, they can take advantage of the knowledge and experience of the financial professional associated with your plan. Win-Win!
As an employer, a company retirement plan may help you:
Source – Capital Group Brochure – Know Your Retirement Plan Options
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